Connecting Your CCB Account

Connect your MojoTxt account to Church Community Builder to enable donation exporting, contact information sharing, and profile linking. Follow the steps below to connect MojoTxt to CCB.

  1. Log-in to your CCB solution website with your master administrator account.
  2. In CCB, click the Settings (gear) icon, choose API, and click Add a new API User.
  3. On the User tab, choose any username and password you'd like.
  4. On the Services tab, select the API services you authorize MojoTxt to use. The following services are  required for our current CCB integrations: 
    • create_individual 
    • individual_profile_from_id
    • individual_search
    • online_giving_insert_gift
    • transaction_detail_type_list
    • update_individual
  5. Click the Save button.
  6. Enter the username and password you created in Step 3, along with your CCB solution's address, in the form on the CCB Integration page in the MojoTxt dashboard.

Next Steps

Selecting Donation Funds

Once your MojoTxt account is connected with CCB, a new option will appear on the settings page of your donation keyword(s) called "CCB Fund". You will want to ensure that each donation keyword has the appropriate fund set.

Linking Profiles

You can link your MojoTxt subscribers to their CCB profiles. Doing so makes it possible to export their donations to CCB and also "fills-in" missing fields by sharing data between MojoTxt and CCB.

  1. To link a MojoTxt subscriber to their CCB profile, first navigate to your phone number's dashboard, then choose the Link CCB Profiles button from the CCB Integration box in the left-hand bar.
  2. MojoTxt will display a list of subscribers who have not yet been linked to a CCB profile.  Click the subscriber you wish to link.
  3. MojoTxt will search your CCB solution for the subscriber using their phone number and any other information available in their MojoTxt profile. The next page will show a list of possible matches, sorted by the likelihood of a match.
  4. You may either choose a profile to link this subscriber to or, if a match doesn't exist, create a new individual in CCB.
  5. When a subscriber is linked with a CCB profile, MojoTxt examines both profiles and searches for missing information.  It then shares all known data to fill-in any missing fields.  (For example, if a subscriber enters their email address into MojoTxt, but CCB doesn't yet have this information, their email address will be added to their CCB profile.) 

Exporting Donations

Donations made through MojoTxt can be manually or automatically exported to CCB.

To manually export donations:

  1. Navigate to your phone number's dashboard, then choose the Export Donations button from the CCB Integration box in the left-hand bar.
  2. The Awaiting Export view shows all donations that have not yet been exported to CCB or skipped.
  3. Any donation with the "Unlinked" status must have their donor's profile linked with CCB before they can be exported. Click the link (chain) button to link the subscriber's profile.
  4. Check the box next to the transaction(s) you wish to export and click the Export Selected button.
  5. If you have existing transactions in the list that you do not wish to export to CCB, select them and press the Skip Selected button.

To automatically export donations:
  1. Navigate to your phone number's dashboard, then choose the Export Donations button from the CCB Integration box in the left-hand bar.
  2. Click the Settings tab.
  3. Check the Enabled box for Automatic Export.
  4. If desired select one or more users to receive notifications when transactions are exported.
  5. Press Save.
Note: The automatic export process checks for new donations every 15 minutes. If new donations are found, we attempt to export them to CCB. We're only able to export donation from subscribers with linked profiles. If you enabled notifications, you will receive an email whenever new donations are exported, or if there are donations which require a profile link.